Left Behind: When America Surrendered WW2
Astounding real-life experiences of the people left behind after the Fall of The Philippines -- when America surrendered in early WW2. From the Bataan Death March to Japanese hell ship voyages to the Philippine Resistance, I research and share stories from this forgotten part of WW2 in the Pacific Theater. I’m your host, Anastasia Harman. I’m a researcher and writer turned podcaster ... on a mission to keep the legacies of these men and women alive. Heroes who gave their all, and all-too-often their lives, only to have largely been overlooked by history. Together, we’re going to change that. This is Left Behind.
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Already shot 4 times in the hand and chest, Lt. Willibald Bianchi commandeered an American tank, manned its anti-aircraft gun, and fired on an enemy machinegun nest.
But a 5th bullet threw him to the ground.
And this time, he didn’t get up.
This is the story of Bataan’s final Medal of Honor winner Willibald Bianchi.
Find pics, maps, and more on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Left-Behind-Podcast/100092698653154/
Left Behind website: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/bianchi
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
In early January 1942, a battlefield mess sergeant realized a vital artillery gun had been silenced.
Risking his life, he ran more than half a mile across an active battlefield, manned the large gun, and spent the next 2 hours firing it, alone, on the enemy.
His actions that day would earn him the Medal of Honor.
But his legacy far outreaches his heroism of that day.
This is the story of Jose Calugas, the only Filipino in WW2 to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Find pictures, maps, and sources on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092698653154
Left Behind website: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/calugas/
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
In January 1942, two young American officers – Alexander Nininger and Ira Cheaney – died in battle on the Bataan Peninsula.
In life, they’d been in The Philippines just 9 weeks.
But, in death, they’ve been left behind there for more than 80 years.
Because … of a rush to judgement, a potential Army coverup, and an inconvenient secret.
This Memorial Day, discover the search for the WW2 servicemen still missing on Bataan.
Get pictures and more online at: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/bataanmissing
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Catch my full interview with John Eakin of BataanMissing.com as we discuss the details of the Alexander Nininger and Ira Cheaney identification drama.
I highly recommend listening to episode 17: "The True Story of WW2’s FIRST Medal of Honor: Alexander Nininger" before listening to this interview. You'll understand our discussion so much more!
Find pics and other online at: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/bataanmissing
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
In mid-January 1942, two heroes proved themselves on Bataan’s battlefields.
One was a young man, fighting for duty and honor. The other was middle aged, fighting for his homeland and family.
Both would face awful circumstances. Both would make self-sacrificing choices.
And both would become national heroes … during those early, dark days of the war.
This is the story of Narciso Ortilano and Alexander Nininger, the first Medal of Honor recipient in WW2.
Find pictures and maps of their stories online at: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/Nininger
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Army nurse Lt. Eunice Hatchitt started WW2 caring for wounded men in a primitive battlefield hospital on Bataan. Escaping The Philippines at the last moment, she returned home a national hero.
But WW2 wasn’t over for her.
In 1944, she found herself following Gen. Patton’s army onto European battlefields.
Oh, and she also made a small detour to Hollywood in between assignments. And….she’s the heroine of her very own global, war-time romance.
Nurse Hatchitt’s WW2 story is like none other.
Get pics, maps, and sources here: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/eunice-hatchitt/
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
From hiding a Navy ship in plain sight to forming a make-shift navy from scavenged boats and machine guns – Lt. Commander Henry Goodall’s war tactics took military creativity to new heights.
His methods were scrappy, but he bought time and saved American and Filipino lives in Bataan Peninsula during the early days of WW2.
You can find pictures and maps here: https://leftbehindpodcast.com/henry-goodall/
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
You’ve never heard a WW2 story like this.
In early 1942, a rag-tag group of Navy sailors and aviators, combined with some Marines, formed themselves into the Naval Battalion – an on-land fighting force in the jungles of Bataan.
The battalion was the brainchild of Navy Commander Frank Bridget – who predicted enemy landings on Bataan well behind the American front lines and within miles of Gen. MacArthur’s headquarters.
With 3 days of training, the Naval Battalion men were called on to defend against a highly trained force of invading Japanese.
Armed with scavenged weapons, bright yellow uniforms, and unconventional – and sometimes hilarious -- tactics, these untrained men faced down the enemy.
And held the line.
This story is fantastic. But, until now, few people know about it.
It’s definitely one you DO NOT want to miss.
You can find pictures and maps here:
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Sailors Alton Hall, Adolphus Hutchison, and Father Francis McManus each survived a vicious ship bombing and 2.5 years in a Japanese POW camp.
But their enemies suddenly had new plans for them – transfers to different POW camps in The Philippines and in Japan.
Wounded, weak, and starving, these men bravely faced their new fate.
But...would they be able to survive their last transfers?
Find pictures and maps about these 3 sailors at https://leftbehindpodcast.com/canopus-men/
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
The last US Army Cavalry charge happened during WW2 – on January 16, 1942, to be exact.
The 26th Cavalry was on patrol in the northern Bataan Peninsula, when they encountered the advance guard of a large Japanese landing force.
With moments to spare, a young Lieutenant raised his hand, ordering his troops into position, and yelled CHARGE!
Some two dozen horses leapt forward, galloping full speed at the approaching Japanese, who fled into the jungle.
This episode takes you inside the ensuing battle, with eyewitness accounts and detailed imagery.
You’ll hear what the soldiers said, practically see what they saw, and perhaps feel what they felt, as, for a moment, you’re transported 1942 Bataan Peninsula.
For pictures and maps, visit https://leftbehindpodcast.com/johnny-wheeler/